Unraveling the Mystery of `const int *__errno_location()`
Image by Skylan - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of `const int *__errno_location()`

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Ever stumbled upon the enigmatic `const int *__errno_location()` declaration inside a catch statement and wondered what on earth it does? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of error handling, pointers, and functions to demystify this cryptic code snippet.

The Catch Statement: A Brief Refresher

Before we dive into the `__errno_location()` function, let’s quickly revisit the concept of catch statements in C++.

try {
    // code that might throw an exception
} catch (exception_type e) {
    // code to handle the exception

A catch statement is used to handle exceptions thrown by the code within the try block. The exception type and the code to handle it are specified inside the catch block.

The `__errno_location()` Function

Now, let’s focus on the `__errno_location()` function. This function is part of the GNU C library and is used to retrieve the address of the global `errno` variable.

`errno` is a global variable that stores the error code of the last system call or library function that failed. It’s an integral part of error handling in C and C++ programs.

What’s the Deal with `const int *`?

The `const int *` declaration preceding the `__errno_location()` function might seem intimidating, but it’s actually quite straightforward.

`const int *` is a pointer to a constant integer. In this context, it means that the `__errno_location()` function returns a pointer to a constant integer, which is the address of the `errno` variable.

Think of it like a map that points to a treasure chest (the `errno` variable). The `__errno_location()` function gives you the map, and you can use it to find the treasure (the error code).

Breaking Down the Declaration

Let’s dissect the declaration `const int *__errno_location()` into smaller pieces:

  • `const int *` : A pointer to a constant integer
  • `__errno_location()` : The function name, which returns the address of the `errno` variable

The Importance of `const`

The `const` keyword is crucial in this declaration. It ensures that the function returns a pointer to a constant integer, which means that the value pointed to by the pointer cannot be modified through this pointer.

This is essential because `errno` is a global variable, and we don’t want to accidentally modify it through the pointer returned by `__errno_location()`.

Using `__errno_location()` in a Catch Statement

Now that we’ve demystified the `__errno_location()` function, let’s see how it’s used in a catch statement:

try {
    // code that might throw an exception
} catch (const std::system_error& e) {
    errno = *__errno_location();
    // handle the error

In this example, when an exception is caught, the `__errno_location()` function is used to retrieve the address of the `errno` variable. The error code is then stored in the `errno` variable using the dereference operator (`*`).

The `errno` variable can then be used to handle the error, for instance, by displaying an error message or taking alternative actions.

Error Handling with `__errno_location()`

Here’s a more comprehensive example of using `__errno_location()` in a catch statement:


try {
    // code that might throw an exception
    FILE* file = fopen("non_existent_file.txt", "r");
    if (!file) {
        throw std::runtime_error("Error opening file");
} catch (const std::system_error& e) {
    errno = *__errno_location();
    std::string error_message = std::strerror(errno);
    std::cerr << "Error: " << error_message << std::endl;

In this example, when an exception is caught, the `__errno_location()` function is used to retrieve the error code, which is then used to create an error message using the `std::strerror()` function. The error message is then printed to the standard error stream.


In conclusion, the `const int *__errno_location()` declaration inside a catch statement is used to retrieve the address of the global `errno` variable, which stores the error code of the last system call or library function that failed. By understanding the purpose and syntax of this declaration, you'll be better equipped to handle errors and exceptions in your C++ programs.

Additional Resources

For further reading, here are some additional resources:

Function Purpose
`__errno_location()` Returns the address of the global `errno` variable

We hope this article has helped you understand the mysterious `const int *__errno_location()` declaration and its role in error handling. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of the variable declaration `const int *__errno_location ()` inside a catch statement!

What is the purpose of the `__errno_location` function in the catch statement?

The `__errno_location` function is used to retrieve the memory address of the global `errno` variable, which stores the error code of the last system call that failed. By calling this function, the catch statement can access the error code and handle the error accordingly.

Why is the `__errno_location` function declared as `const int *`?

The `__errno_location` function returns a pointer to the `errno` variable, which is an integer. The `const` keyword indicates that the function promises not to modify the `errno` variable, and the `int *` syntax specifies that the function returns a pointer to an integer. This ensures that the error code is read-only and not modified accidentally.

What is the significance of declaring `__errno_location` as a function pointer?

Declaring `__errno_location` as a function pointer allows the program to dynamically resolve the address of the `errno` variable at runtime. This is useful in scenarios where the `errno` variable is located in a different memory location, such as in a multithreaded environment or when using a custom error handling mechanism.

Why is the `__errno_location` function called inside the catch statement?

The `__errno_location` function is called inside the catch statement to retrieve the error code of the last system call that failed. This allows the catch statement to handle the error accordingly, such as by logging the error, displaying an error message, or taking alternative actions to recover from the error.

What are the implications of not using the `__errno_location` function in error handling?

Failing to use the `__errno_location` function in error handling can lead to inaccurate or incomplete error reporting, making it difficult to diagnose and debug errors. It can also lead to incorrect error handling, as the program may not have access to the correct error code or error message.