Solving the Truffle Deploying Error: PollingBlockTracker – A Comprehensive Guide
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Solving the Truffle Deploying Error: PollingBlockTracker – A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of receiving the frustrating “PollingBlockTracker” error while deploying your Truffle project? Worry no more! This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to identify and resolve this common issue, ensuring a seamless deployment experience.

What is the PollingBlockTracker Error?

The PollingBlockTracker error typically occurs when Truffle is unable to track the status of a transaction on the blockchain. This can happen due to various reasons, including network congestion, node configuration issues, or incorrect gas settings. When this error occurs, Truffle will stuck in an infinite loop, continuously polling the blockchain for updates, resulting in failed deployments and wasted resources.

Why Does the PollingBlockTracker Error Happen?

To better understand the solution, let’s dive into the possible causes of this error:

  • Network Congestion: When the Ethereum network is experiencing high traffic, transactions may take longer to process, causing Truffle to timeout and trigger the PollingBlockTracker error.
  • Node Configuration Issues: Misconfigured nodes or incorrect node versions can lead to communication errors, resulting in the PollingBlockTracker error.
  • Incorrect Gas Settings: Insufficient gas or incorrectly set gas limits can cause transactions to fail, leading to the PollingBlockTracker error.
  • Truffle Configuration Issues: Improper configuration of Truffle, such as incorrect provider settings or outdated dependencies, can also cause the PollingBlockTracker error.

Resolving the PollingBlockTracker Error

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s move on to the solutions:

1. Check Your Network Connection

Verify that your internet connection is stable and fast. A slow or unreliable connection can cause Truffle to timeout and trigger the PollingBlockTracker error.

2. Verify Node Configuration

Ensure that your node is properly configured and running the correct version. You can check your node version using the following command:

node --version

If you’re using an outdated version, update to the latest version using:

npm install -g ganache-cli

3. Adjust Gas Settings

Review your gas settings and adjust them accordingly. You can do this by modifying the `truffle-config.js` file:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      host: "localhost",
      port: 8545,
      gas: 5000000, // Adjust gas limit
      gasPrice: web3.utils.toWei("20", "gwei")

Increase the gas limit and adjust the gas price to suit your needs.

4. Verify Truffle Configuration

Double-check your Truffle configuration to ensure that it’s correct and up-to-date. Update your `truffle-config.js` file to include the correct provider settings:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      provider: function() {
        return new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("https://localhost:8545");

5. Try a Different Provider

If you’re using a local node, try switching to a different provider, such as Infura or Alchemy:

module.exports = {
  networks: {
    development: {
      provider: function() {
        return new Web3.providers.HttpProvider("");

Replace `YOUR_PROJECT_ID` with your actual project ID.

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

If none of the above solutions work, try the following additional troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Your Contract Code: Review your contract code for any errors or gas-intensive operations that may be causing the issue.
  2. Use Truffle’s Debug Mode: Enable Truffle’s debug mode to get more detailed error messages:

    truffle deploy --network development --verbose
  3. Clear Your Truffle Cache: Sometimes, clearing the Truffle cache can resolve the issue:

    truffle cache clear
  4. Reinstall Truffle: As a last resort, try reinstalling Truffle to start with a clean slate:

    npm uninstall -g truffle
    npm install -g truffle

    By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the PollingBlockTracker error and successfully deploy your Truffle project.


    The PollingBlockTracker error can be frustrating, but it’s usually a solvable issue. By identifying the root cause and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to overcome this common obstacle and focus on building innovative blockchain applications with Truffle.

    Remember to stay calm, patient, and methodical in your troubleshooting approach. With persistence and the right guidance, you’ll be deploying your Truffle project in no time!

    Error Solution Description
    Check Network Connection Verify stable and fast internet connection
    Verify Node Configuration Check node version and configuration
    Adjust Gas Settings Modify gas limit and price in truffle-config.js
    Verify Truffle Configuration Review and update truffle-config.js file
    Try a Different Provider Switch to a different provider, such as Infura or Alchemy

    By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the PollingBlockTracker error and ensure a smooth deployment experience with Truffle.

    Frequently Asked Question

    Get the scoop on Truffle’s PollingBlockTracker deployment errors and how to troubleshoot them!

    What is PollingBlockTracker, and why does Truffle use it for deployment?

    PollingBlockTracker is a mechanism used by Truffle to track the deployment of smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s a crucial component that ensures your contracts are deployed successfully. Truffle uses PollingBlockTracker to monitor the blockchain for new blocks, allowing it to detect when a deployment transaction has been mined and confirmed.

    What causes the “Truffle deploying Error: PollingBlockTracker” error?

    This error usually occurs when there’s an issue with the communication between Truffle and the Ethereum node. This can be due to a variety of reasons, including incorrect node configuration, network connectivity issues, or node overload. Sometimes, it can also be caused by a bug in Truffle itself or in the specific version of the Truffle Suite you’re using.

    How do I troubleshoot the “Truffle deploying Error: PollingBlockTracker” error?

    To troubleshoot this error, try the following steps: (1) Check your node configuration and ensure it’s correct and up-to-date. (2) Verify that your network connection is stable and working properly. (3) Restart your Ethereum node and Truffle to see if the issue resolves. (4) If you’re using a third-party node service, try switching to a different provider. (5) Finally, try updating Truffle to the latest version or seeking help from the Truffle community.

    Can I use a different tracking mechanism instead of PollingBlockTracker?

    Yes, you can! Truffle provides alternative tracking mechanisms, such as `ws` (WebSocket) and ` ipc` (Inter-Process Communication). You can configure Truffle to use one of these alternatives by modifying the `truffle-config.js` file. For example, you can set `networks: { mainnet: { provider: () => new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(‘ws://’) } }`. However, keep in mind that these alternatives might have their own set of requirements and limitations.

    What are some best practices to avoid Truffle deploying errors, including PollingBlockTracker issues?

    To minimize the risk of deployment errors, follow these best practices: (1) Use the latest version of Truffle and its dependencies. (2) Ensure your node configuration is correct and up-to-date. (3) Monitor your node’s performance and adjust its settings as needed. (4) Test your contracts thoroughly before deployment. (5) Use a reliable and stable network connection. By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to error-free Truffle deployments!

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