Is there a security risk to having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod?
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Is there a security risk to having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod?

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In the world of Kubernetes, containers are the building blocks of deploying applications. When it comes to security, we often think about securing our containers and pods, but have you ever wondered about the security risks of having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod?

What are privileged containers?

A privileged container is a container that has elevated privileges, allowing it to access and modify system resources that would normally be restricted to the root user. This can include access to sensitive files, network interfaces, and even the ability to modify the kernel itself.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: privileged-container
  - name: privileged-container
    image: ubuntu
      privileged: true

What are non-privileged containers?

A non-privileged container, on the other hand, is a container that runs with reduced privileges, similar to a normal user account. This limits the damage that can be done in case the container is compromised.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: non-privileged-container
  - name: non-privileged-container
    image: ubuntu
      runAsUser: 1001
      fsGroup: 1001

The Security Risk

So, what’s the risk of having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod? Well, the risk is that an attacker could potentially use the privileged init container to escalate privileges and gain access to the non-privileged container, compromising its security.

Here’s an example of how this could happen:

  1. The privileged init container is compromised by an attacker.
  2. The attacker uses the privileged init container to gain access to the pod’s file system.
  3. The attacker modifies the non-privileged container’s configuration files, elevating its privileges.
  4. The non-privileged container is now running with elevated privileges, allowing the attacker to access sensitive data and systems.

How to mitigate the risk

Don’t panic! There are ways to mitigate this risk and ensure the security of your containers.

1. Use a separate pod for the privileged init container

One way to mitigate the risk is to run the privileged init container in a separate pod from the non-privileged container. This ensures that even if the privileged init container is compromised, it won’t have access to the non-privileged container.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: privileged-init-container
  - name: privileged-init-container
    image: ubuntu
      privileged: true
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: non-privileged-container
  - name: non-privileged-container
    image: ubuntu
      runAsUser: 1001
      fsGroup: 1001

2. Use a read-only file system

Another way to mitigate the risk is to use a read-only file system for the non-privileged container. This ensures that even if the privileged init container is compromised, it won’t be able to modify the non-privileged container’s configuration files.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: privileged-init-container
  - name: privileged-init-container
    image: ubuntu
      privileged: true
  - name: non-privileged-container
    image: ubuntu
      runAsUser: 1001
      fsGroup: 1001
    - name: readonly-fs
      mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
      readOnly: true

3. Use a network policy

You can also use a network policy to restrict communication between the privileged init container and the non-privileged container. This ensures that even if the privileged init container is compromised, it won’t be able to access the non-privileged container over the network.

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: restrict-communication
      app: non-privileged-container
  - from:
    - podSelector:
          app: privileged-init-container
    - ports:
      - 80

Best Practices

In addition to mitigating the risk, there are some best practices you can follow to ensure the security of your containers:

  • Use least privilege: Only grant the necessary privileges to your containers and init containers.
  • Use read-only file systems: Use read-only file systems to prevent modifications to sensitive files.
  • Use network policies: Use network policies to restrict communication between containers and init containers.
  • Regularly update and patch: Regularly update and patch your containers and init containers to prevent vulnerabilities.
  • Monitor and audit: Monitor and audit your containers and init containers to detect and respond to security incidents.


In conclusion, having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod does pose a security risk. However, by following best practices and mitigating the risk, you can ensure the security of your containers.

Remember, security is not a one-time task, it’s an ongoing process. Stay vigilant, and always keep your containers and init containers up-to-date and secure!

Risk Mitigation
Privileged init container compromise Run privileged init container in separate pod
File system modifications Use read-only file system
Network communication Use network policy

By following these best practices and mitigating the risk, you can ensure the security of your containers and init containers. Happy deploying!

Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to container security, there are many concerns that can keep DevOps teams up at night. One such concern is having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod. Let’s dive into the most pressing questions and answers about this topic.

Is having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod a security risk?

Yes, having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod can be a security risk. This is because the privileged init container has elevated permissions that can be exploited by an attacker, potentially giving them access to sensitive resources and data.

How can an attacker exploit a privileged init container in a pod?

An attacker can exploit a privileged init container by injecting malicious code into the container or by exploiting vulnerabilities in the container’s dependencies. From there, they can use the elevated permissions to access sensitive resources, such as secrets or network interfaces, or to escalate privileges further within the cluster.

Can I mitigate the security risks of having a privileged init container and a non-privileged container in the same pod?

Yes, there are several ways to mitigate the security risks. You can use a read-only root file system, implement least privilege principles, and limit access to sensitive resources using role-based access control (RBAC) or network policies. Additionally, regular security audits and vulnerability scans can help identify potential security issues before they can be exploited.

What are some best practices for using privileged init containers in a pod?

Some best practices include using privileged init containers only when necessary, keeping them as short-lived as possible, and limiting their access to sensitive resources. You should also ensure that the privileged init container is properly configured and patched, and that it is running with the minimum set of privileges required to perform its tasks.

How can I monitor and detect potential security issues in a pod with a privileged init container and a non-privileged container?

You can monitor and detect potential security issues in a pod with a privileged init container and a non-privileged container by using monitoring tools such as Kubernetes audit logging, log aggregation, and threat detection platforms. Regular security audits and vulnerability scans can also help identify potential security issues before they can be exploited.